Act of Dog
> Act of Dog - Drink from the fountain of knowledge

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Trick or Treat at Dell?

I was shopping Dell last night and saved my shopping cart since my wallet wasn't handy. Before saving the cart I had entered a coupon code for $20 off. My total was as I expected. I then clicked save.

When I returned this morning to retrieve my saved cart, the item was there but the coupon was gone. Mind you, this coupon doesn't expire for a week so it's not like it expired and they removed it. I have to suspect that this is a standard practice over at Dell. I'm sure lots of people forget to re-enter the coupon code and end up paying full price. What a scam!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

My Civic Dootie

I'm sitting in the San Mateo County Courthouse waiting to find out if I must serve Jury Duty (Dootie). I've been here since 8am, just waiting. They've got a couple hundred folks here. We're all watching Price is Right together. It's a little surreal. On the plus side, I've got wifi access so I can spend my idle time blogging and doing other nonsense. Just as long as it isn't work. ;)

By the way, I just found out that you can be called for jury duty more than once every 12 months if your driver's license and your voter registration name appear different in any way. That means John B. Smith and John Bob Smith are treated as two totally different people. The solution? You can change the voter registration to match your drivers license. Technology marches on, but government does not.