Act of Dog
> Act of Dog - Drink from the fountain of knowledge

Saturday, March 25, 2006

CompUSA Sucks... really, I'm serious.

I just visited my local CompUSA which is literally 2 blocks from my house. Convenient, you might say... or is it?

I've had the misfortune of visiting CompUSA about 4 times in the last couple years. Each experience has been a miserable one. It's sort of Staples meets Fry's with non-existent customer service. That's not due to lack of employees, however. Every time I'm in there must be 8 people behind the register area and another 8 roaming the floors, but not a single person that can help you.

Take tonight for instance. I'm in the place at 6pm on a Saturday. Snoozeville, right? But there are 5 people in line and they've been there a long time. Only 2 registers are open, but there are 9 people total behind the counter in red shirts. All of them happily oblivious to the mounting frustration of the poor saps in line, one of which is me. Turns out they are activating cell phones at the only 2 registers that are open. I mean, can you believe this? They stop the line from progressing while they go through the 10-15 minute process (if you're lucky) of activating a cell phone? And what are those other 7 people doing? Why, they're looking at the two people activating the phones, of course. They pretend not to see the 5 people in line and the 3 idle cash registers right in front of them. They chit chat and smile and avert the stares of angry customers just looking to pick up a CD-R or mouse or ream of paper.

And I haven't even started on the CompUSA rebaits. Yes, that's right, I said rebaits. I call them rebaits because that's what they are. Bait to draw bargain-seeking customers to the store. The rebaits never seem to get paid. There's always some problem verifying the purchase or some such nonsense. If you ask me, they should be under fraud investigation for these rebaits. What a scam!

Okay, so clearly I am bitter. I should just swear to never visit again (which is what I do every time I get back from the store) but it's just 2 blocks away. No, I can't fool myself into going back for the perceived convenience. These bastards clearly don't want my business enough to provide a decent level of service. Then again... $50 for a 400GB hard drive is great. I'm sure I'll get my rebate this time.